Découvrez les dernières tendances, développez votre réseau et mettez en valeur vos solutions lors de nos prochains évènements et activités.

La Zone Agtech organise plusieurs évènements de maillage, parcours d’innovation et formations ciblées, afin de supporter les entreprises dans leur développement, leur financement et leur mise en marché. Ces activités, dont certaines sont réservées aux membres, sont conçues pour favoriser et faciliter à la fois le développement et l'implantation d'innovations dans le secteur des agtech et des bioproduits végétaux.

Restez à l'affût, de nouveaux évènements et activités sont annoncés à tous les mois.

Information Webinar | AgXis Program

Information Webinar | AgXis Program

Information Webinar | AgXis Program august 7, 11 am

Discover in detail the AgXis program during our webinar on august 7 at 11 am (Quebec time), hosted by the program director, Hugo Dupuis. Register for free to participate and don't miss the opportunity to ask your questions live.

The webinar on august 7 will be held in English. Note that sessions in French will also be available on July 24, July 31, and August 21. To register, visit our event page.

More Information on the webninar

Date: august 7, 2024
Time: 11 PM (Quebec time)
Fee: Free
Contact: hdupuis@zoneagtech.ca

More Information on the AgXis Program

The AgXis Program is a technology adaptation and maturation program dedicated to transforming the future of agriculture in Quebec. This innovative program aims to identify, attract, and adapt the most promising agricultural technologies to address the labor and operational efficiency challenges faced by Quebec producers.

As part of this innovative program, Zone Agtech will identify, in collaboration with associations and partner actors, 25 companies willing to develop Quebec's horticultural sector by accelerating the maturation and/or adaptation of their technology to the needs of local producers.

Throughout their journey, the selected companies will benefit from co-development sessions with horticultural producers, scientific and technological advice from our partner research and technology transfer centers, strategic coaching for adapting their business model if necessary, and sites for testing and demonstrating their technology. At the end of the program, companies will be invited to a commercial showcase co-organized with partner horticultural associations, and 4 companies will have the opportunity to participate in performance evaluations that will also lead to the creation of informational tools dedicated to producers.

Attention! This program is intensive. The 25 companies will receive support valued at nearly $300,000. They will be pre-selected based on their investment capacity, willingness to collaborate with Quebec's horticultural sector, and the technological maturity of their solution. They will then be chosen by the steering committee of the concerned sector, consisting of horticultural producers, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Quebec, Zone Agtech, the Quebec Horticultural Innovation Network, and the affiliated partner association.

For all the details about the program, visit our website : www.zoneagtech.ca/programme-agxis