The Agtech Community organizes several networking events, innovation paths and targeted training courses, in order to support companies in their development, financing and marketing. These activities, some of which are reserved for members, are designed to promote and facilitate both the development and implementation of innovations in the agtech and plant bioproducts sector.

Stay tuned, new events and activities will be announced every month !

WEBINAR | The Agtech Zone in action 5 innovative projects for clean and resilient food

WEBINAR | The Agtech Zone in action 5 innovative projects for clean and resilient food

The Zone Agtech is a place dedicated to innovation, entrepreneurship and knowledge in the field of agtechs. Located in the MRC of L'Assomption, it brings together all the players in the ecosystem to promote new agricultural technologies, both in Quebec and internationally.

Since 2020, the Zone Agtech has been offering a range of services and expertise that provide investment opportunities, employment opportunities and business development support to the players in the ecosystem.

As part of Green Economy Week, the free webinar will be hosted by Marilou Cyr, Executive Director of the  Zone Agtech, to present this business zone designed for companies specializing in new technologies for indoor cultivation, field farming and plant bioproducts.

She will discuss the potential of the Zone Agtech to promote the growth of agtech companies in Quebec, as well as current projects aimed at strengthening food autonomy, reducing environmental impact and offering solutions for adapting to climate change in agriculture.


  • May 16th
  • 10am to 12pm

Registration is free, but required. The webinar is only in french